About Barb

Barb Toscano, M. Ed.

Founder of Clinical Reiki, Reiki Master/Teacher, LMT, Ordained Minister, Master Herbalist, Yoga Instructor (200 RYT), Quantum Touch, Crystal Therapist, NLP Practitioner

I come from a long line of Southern ladies who love the magic of being a Woman as long as it includes linen napkins, crystal and a cake stand. The Charm of the South has been long created on the backs of the most powerful women in history, yet; my soul sisters and I struggle with low self esteem, hiding our true power, addiction and just feeling plum worn out. I’m a firm believer that we can all cope, heal and grow wherever we are planted and my life’s work is to offer a hand to every woman who feels the weight of her pearls and wishes she could realign herself with her own inner power.

Healing IS possible and it can be much quicker than you imagine!

Together; we can reconnect with our inner Goddess and rise from the ashes of our ruin. Our birthright, as women, is to open ourselves to the energy within ourselves and create the most beautiful life we can imagine.

“Why can’t you love me the way I need to be Loved?”

I actually sobbed at my dear husband while he was doing the very best he could.

I didn’t realize I could CHOOSE to be happy. I didn’t know I could reframe my situations to recognize the truth of my own INNER POWER! I didn’t know how much I impacted my family’s happiness and that MY love kept them going. If I was so important, why didn’t I feel important or feel their love? Why couldn’t I love me??

It wasn’t until I really learned the psychology of societal programing and how to unwrap these false messages was I able to clear out the clutter of the world around me and remember who I really am…

I AM Part Of Divinity! (and YOU are too)

Women are expected to assume the matriarchal role while being trapped in a society that demands perfection and superhero feats from its undermined women. We are taught to walk in uncomfortable leather booties and smocked pinafores by two. We learn to handle the holiday baking by 10. We are expected to take over the table setting and presentation by 12. We decorate and manage the family laundry and housekeeping by 15 while our male counterparts run in the yard, climb trees and find adventure.


We are demeaned, overlooked, told to “be smaller”, that “pretty is as pretty does”, and generally crushed into a mold that limits and separates us from who we really are as a Spirit and as a Soul. Leaving our own inner intuition and deep inner truth crippled and left for dead.

There IS a cure!

By opening the Chakras, balancing the inner energy and psychology, dissolving false belief systems and awakening to our own true power, we HEAL!


When I take responsibility for my emotions and actions, instead of focusing on the ills of the society which created my struggles, I’m free to move through my life on my OWN terms.

The axiom, “As Within, So Without”, explains why our lives are riddled with poverty, unhappiness, chaos and discontent. It is because these ideas are what we hold onto inside our deep subconscious. Carl Jung, the renown psychologist, uncovered vast truths about how we untie our own psychological landscapes.

Building the tools to master my emotions and actions took time, but anything is possible when I devoted the time to master Myself.

Are YOU ready to do this work? You CAN Heal !!!

Rediscover who you’ve always been!

#MA102891 LMT

Florida Statue: Title XXXII, Chapter 491, Section 014: Ordination Universalist Life Church