A Community for those Awakening!


-Facing issues you thought you resolved?

-Letting go, or trying to, of old patterns and beliefs?

-Feeling a loss of Identity?

-Resistant to change?

-Suffering from lack of support?

-Confused or Uncertain of your path?

-Overcome with Emotional Turmoil?

-Waking up to your OWN inner darkness?

-Lonely or Isolated?

-Having Anxiety or Panic Attacks?

-Experiencing Body pain with no “cause”?

- Losing friendships and changing relationships?

-Just plain “lost”?


You FOUND US! We are here to help!

All you need to know about Membership:

Disclosure Information

Presuppositions for Membership

Rules of the Group


* indicates required

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Who is Ouroboros?

The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol, often visualized as a serpent or dragon consuming its own tail.

Tracing its roots back to early Greek culture, the name "Ouroboros" stems from "oura" meaning "tail" and "boros" meaning "eating", thus translating to "he who eats the tail".

Historically, this symbol has deep implications that traverse various domains:

  1. Magick: Within esoteric and magical traditions, the Ouroboros is a powerful emblem of the infinite cycle of creation, dissolution, and recreation. It symbolizes the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never disappear but perpetually change form in an eternal cycle of destruction and rebirth. This cyclical process is often invoked in magical rituals and spells, harnessing the energy of life and death to effect transformative change.

  2. Psychology: From a psychological perspective, the Ouroboros encapsulates the idea of introspection, wholeness, and the human psyche's pursuit of itself. The act of the serpent eating its own tail mirrors the introspective journey one undergoes to understand the self, reflecting the eternal struggle between the conscious and unconscious realms.

  3. Personal Transformation: On a personal level, the Ouroboros symbolizes one's continuous path of self-discovery, renewal, and evolution. The cycle of consuming one's past to give birth to the future serves as a metaphor for personal growth: by introspecting and learning from our past experiences, we pave the way for our future selves. It encourages the belief that every end is a new beginning and that life's challenges, once faced and understood, can foster profound personal and spiritual growth.

The Ouroboros beautifully merges the worlds of the mystical and the psychological, acting as a bridge between our outer experiences and our inner journey, constantly reminding us of the interconnectedness and endless cycle of life and transformation.

Privacy Policy: Information collected will NOT be sold, trades, exploited in any way. It will only be used for communication, marketing and informative insights into the Awakening Community called The Ouroboros Effect and Clinical Reiki.

What to Expect?

A beginning of the month email explaining the topic of the month (one for each month). The topic is based in the psychology, philosophy and wisdom of the ancients to modern knowledge. I promise it won’t be boring or dusty, it might just sound that way.

Group Sessions through GoogleMeet enable the community to come together, meet, discuss, ask questions and collaborate with others taking control of their lives and own spiritual journey. A digital nightclub full of magick and wonder.

A Private Facebook Group to offer daily interaction and a sacred space to go when life feels overwhelming or a welcoming space to share successes and discoveries.

My team will support you and coach you as you go through the process of Psychological and Spiritual Awakening.

Secure your spot now!

ONLY $29.00 a month

(for one year contract)

You owe it to yourself to have the support, love and understanding this community offers.

We wait for YOU with open arms!